Carbo-Loaded Cauli Patties
Albany Low Gi 800g Wholewheat Bread
Made with Low GI Wholewheat Brown Bread

For the patties:

 125ml cauliflower florets

Olive oil

2,5ml cumin

1 x 400g tin chickpeas, drained and mashed

60-80ml flour

1 egg

2,5ml turmeric

5ml cumin

Oil for frying


For the baby spinach pesto:

200g baby spinach

125ml olive oil

5ml lemon juice

Salt & pepper to taste


To serve:

2 slices Albany Superior Low G.I Wholewheat Brown Bread, toasted


1-2 radishes

30ml yoghurt

Salt & pepper

For the patties:

Place the cauliflower on a roasting tray, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with cumin, salt and pepper.

Roast for 10-15minutes at 180ºC or until golden.

Once cooled, roughly chop.

Mix together the chickpeas, cauliflower, egg, flour, turmeric and cumin. Season with  salt and pepper. The mixture should come together and hold its shape well to form patties.

Fry the patties in oil until golden and place on kitchen paper to drain off any excess oil.


For the pesto:

Blend together the lemon juice, baby spinach and olive oil until well mixed.

Season to taste.


To assemble:

Spread the pesto onto a slice of bread.

Top with fresh rocket.

Place on the patties and top with a dollop of yoghurt.

Finish off with a garnish of radishes.

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