Everyday Brown Bread
- Cholesterol Free
- Low in Fat
- Soft and tasty
Everyday Brown Toaster Bread
- Thicker slice for toasting
- Source of fibre
- Soft & tasty
Everyday White Bread
- Cholesterol Free
- Low in fat
- Softer, fresher bread
Everyday White Toaster Bread
- Low in fat
- Cholesterol free
- Source of fibre
Summer Wrap
Steak Wraps
Crunchy Asian Chicken Wraps
Mediterranean Toaster Wraps
On-the-Go Power Wrap
Chocolate crispy marshmallow wraps
Cheeseburger Crunch Wrap
Antioxidant Lemon and Honey Yummy
Carbo-Loaded Cauli Patties
Tomato Gazpacho with a Twist
Open Style Toast with Corn & Feta
Eggstra Yummy Breaki Toastie
Egg Power
Toad in the Hole Breakfast Buns
Mozzarella Multigrain Lunch Munch
Mapule’s Low G.I. Jane Open Sandwich
Dippy Eggs
Baked Egg and Pilchard Breaki Bowl
Get Up and Go Breakfast Sarmie
Purple Blast